Thursday, July 3, 2008

A reflection from Mike Napolitano

It's hard to give an overview of a trip that has encompassed so many different things--the South Africa experience is unlike any trip to Europe. There were times that I felt like an utter tourist and other times when I felt like I was a life changing force to the individuals and children I met. To that extent I will never forget the feelings, frustrations, and every thing else that accompanied my community service project and I only hope for the best for all the kids at the center. It may sound cliché but this trip really does change you and I feel as though it has definitely changed me for the better. This trip has reminded and shown me that economic and social inequality is an issue now as much as it has ever been.

I’d like to thank Eddie and Meg for keeping this trip on the right track. Also, thanks to all who have read this blog. I hope we gave you some perspective on the issues facing a developing country.

Irony of the developing world!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Reflection from Robert Stone

It feels weird to go back to the "real world". This experience has been different from any other trip, it's not like I am returning from an exotic Island that I don't want to leave or even coming back from an adventure from good ole Disney world, this whole experience was much more than that. There were times when I felt like I was in paradise, and then there were others when I asked myself what am I doing here? and then there were those times when I realized how grateful one can be to see the things that we saw and have had the opportunity to experience. Looking back at the trip words can't even describe what this trip did for me. So to sum it all up real fast I asked myself would I do it again?..... In a heartbeat........

Pictured below Rob Stone and Ross Naess

Pictured below Children from Dusk to Dawn Haven

Pictured below: Meg changing diapers

Pictured below: Durban, South Africa

Pictured below--parts of Soweto--informal housing