Vrygrond Township

Group One
We weren’t sure what to expect of our day when we were told that we should be prepared for some Hip Hop moves and music. We were given the opportunity to utilize our education and experience to assist the Heal the Hood Project. This is a grass-roots, non-profit organization that was established by a former member of a group called Black Noise; Emile Jansen. After brain storming with one of the members of the organization, we decided the most constructive use of our time would be revamping their press releases, funding proposal and creating a portfolio out of all the press they have received since their inception as an organization and the work of Emile Jansen. One of the troubles the group had was finding sponsorship from corporations to promote their program.
Between the five of us in the group, we had experiences in the disciplines of political science (Joel), communications (Mike), business (Evan), public administration (Allison) and urban policy and management (Eddie). Based off of our experiences and backgrounds, we did our best to collectively decide the best approach for the project so that they could garner support for one of their future events and potential fundraising opportunities. We advised them to develop a clear mission, a consistent branding across their projects and retail items and construct their funding presentations/strategic communication materials to target corporations that could become potential sponsors. We concluded that they needed to highlight their intangibles like building self esteem, teamwork, and decreasing crime and gang participation by using Hip Hop as a tool and not Hip Hop solely.

Group Two
We spent our day working at the RAPCAN center, which stands for Resources Aimed at the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. RAPCAN is committed to developing child abuse prevention strategies to combat the patterns of abuse which affect the lives of children and adults everywhere. They reach this goal through adult training, educating, and informing children, material dissemination and advocacy. RAPCAN is committed to working actively with a non-racist, non-sexist, developmental framework, and promoting the rights of children. The system in place here for monitoring the welfare of children is quite different from the

Group Three
Today was our first day of our community service projects in a township called Vrygrond. Our group was assigned to help start the construction of a community center from the foundation on up. All that had been accomplished before our arrival was the placement of cement cinderblocks in the shape of the community center. There were large piles of dirt and our job was to fill in the holes around the blocks. This was a difficult task because the dirt had large rocks, garbage, and old clothes in it. From there we had to dig up the grass in the center of the foundation. At this point we started to realize that living in a developed nation like the
And they are done!
Lecture with Eddie Daniels

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