Saturday, May 31, 2008
Today's Post will be postponed until tomorrow
Best Regards!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Community Service 3-"Changed"
Picture this; a group of small children waiting by a locked gate wearing no shoes, ripped clothes, and dirt in their hair, but with smiles from ear to ear on each of them anticipating our arrival because they knew that they would be receiving love and affection. Today, group one joined with half of group two in aiding group three in their project. When we arrived half the group went right to work, while the other half had their hands full with picking up and swinging the children around. The group that went right to work was working on a corner of the yard by picking up glass and big rocks that are hazardous to children. The backyard was in a very dangerous condition with shards of glass everywhere, garbage on and under the dirt and dog feces everywhere. Mind you this is where the South African Social Service sends there abandoned children.
Pictured below--the backyard before group 1 & 2 united with 3 to clean up the yard
Pictured below--the group in action
The yard was the former home to a dumping ground so every imaginable thing could be found in the yard from beer bottles to wrappers to tires and old toys. We managed our time playing with the kids and picking up garbage as shown in the pictures below. We sang a few songs to pass the time and the kids were on our shoulders singing “I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky”. It was so heart-warming to see these precious children enjoying themselves.
Pictured below-The children
The only way you can slightly understand what we saw is if you ever watched one of those church commercials where a man is walking through a township with a small overwhelmingly grief stricken child. Today we were there.
Words really can’t express what we went through today and pictures can’t do justice or pass on the emotions that surfaced amongst ourselves. It’s like a man who went to war; it’s just something you have to experience to truly understand the pain and desperation. It was beyond heartbreaking leaving the children behind knowing that we probably will never see them again.
For us to carry on talking about the things we saw today will never really make a substantial difference in the lives of the children we saw. All we can do is spread the word and recommend sending money to developing countries where organizations like this are prevalent. Keep sending your children to do good work and push them to do community service. Thank you for reading our blog but now take the next step, whatever you feel or deem appropriate.
We hope that these pictures have an impact on you and that you will keep the children in mind as you live your daily lives, as well as the inhuman living conditions of their home. We speak for all of us when saying, “we will truly never be the same”.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Community Service Day 2-St. Augustine’s Catholic School
Today, Group 2 completed our second day of community service at a Catholic School, which teaches children from the ages of 5 up to 18. The four of us got dispersed to different classrooms for the day to help out the teachers. Amanda and Dan went to the classrooms that teach students ages 5 and 6, and Julianne was with 6 and 7 year olds, while Kristen was with a class that consisted of second graders, however, due to the absence of some teachers the class had students who were from upper level grades.
Something that was apparent with the children was that they needed a lot of love and nurturing. The children were constantly hugging us and seeking affection. In speaking with some of the teachers they informed us that they lack that kind of love at home, so they look forward to it at school. We were also told that many of the children are abused at home and that most of them are fatherless and lacking a role model and mentor. While playing and interacting with each other, we observed the use of violence as a normal form of which is a result of their culture and family dynamics. Some children displayed a natural ability to mentor and lead their peers. In the second grade class, two older students (ages thirteen and fourteen) helped teach the younger children their lessons, assisted them with the completion of their assignments, and answered questions. In the younger classes, there were a number of girls that acted as their teacher’s helpers by handing out papers and pencils as well as assisting their fellow peers with class assignments. Also, when one of the students would start crying these girls would comfort their classmates out in the hallway and make the other children feel better. During recess some of the older kids would come and watch over the younger children as they played, because of the lack of teacher supervision. This is one of the major problems with the education system in South Africa; the lack of people in the teaching profession makes it very difficult for the system to grow. Some teachers were from the U.K., Germany, and Holland, while other teachers are native to South Africa. The children are taught in English, Afrikaans, Zulu, and Khosa.
Classes are taught in double-wide trailers, with up to fifty children in a room. The children are two to one desk, and have one pair of scissors for every twelve students. Children also rely on their parents for school supplies and lunch, and some come to school with nothing. Because it is required that all the children share their lunch and school supplies with one another, many only eat a half of a sandwich or less during the day. There are two breaks a day, where the children play unsupervised in a fenced, paved area and eat lunch. We enjoyed spending time with the children, answering their questions, and providing as much love, hope, and faith as we could.
Pictured below Julianne and Kristen with the students!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Community Service Day 1--Group 3 serving and learning!
How do you start off something that you don’t even know how to explain or truly understand? This is how group three feels after completing today’s first day of community service. We just want to tell whoever decides to read this how difficult this is for us to write. This is especially true as most of us can’t still grasp what we went through.
This group was originally supposed to go to the
As we went inside the conditions just worsened. The house was very dark and there was a strange odor that was circulating throughout the house. We were briefly in the house, but it was obvious that it was not only overcrowded, it inadequately addresses the needs of those living in the house. When we exited the house through the backdoor we were greeted with what could only be described as chaos.
The backyard was a culmination of basically every type of street trash one can imagine coupled with the tattered remains of concrete and brick. There were several piles of rotting fruit as well as several piles of garbage that we assumed were also decomposing. There were four dogs in the yard that the house took in and as a result there were large amounts of dog feces lying around in the yard. There were also many toys that the kids had lying around that were dirty and broken.
We could not fathom where to begin as the situation was so overwhelming, but we knew we had to start somewhere. As a result we decided to take all the loose rocks, blocks, and concrete and place them in a central pile. We also took all the large articles of garbage and began making a second pile. A second problem arose as we had no means to dispose of the garbage. There was no way for us to dispose of the garbage because there is a lacking in that municipality in
Our next task was to clean out a garage like structure in order to try and make it a children’s playroom. It was filled to the brim with clothes, cloths, blankets, foam pads, shelves, beds, and every other domestic item imaginable. Our task was to clear all of this out, something that we didn’t accomplish during our first day there. We worked through dirt, dust, mold, and filth to try and make the situation better for these kids.
While we were working on our daunting task, it came to our attention that there was a lot of gang activity in the area. There is a school that was taken over by a street gang literally one hundred feet from the house. Apparently, the gang members smoke drugs all night and then sleep in the school. Because of this, classes are no longer held at the school as the gangs can overpower the police so they (the police) don’t even try to intervene, despite the local resident’s ability to hear the gang activity all throughout the night. For that matter, we saw some of the gang members leaving the school in the morning and this made us very uneasy.
After a long while of working and coping with the situation that we were dealt, children started emerging from the house. The first thing we noticed that the children were very dirty. Many had dirty faces, matted hair, sores, runny noses, dirty clothes, and we weren’t sure if all the kids were sick or not. Some didn’t have shoes and we found some shoes to give from our huge heap of clothing that we had been going through.
Professor Summers accompanied us today and when he noticed how dirty the kid’s faces were he literally took the shirt right off his back, ripped it up, and cleaned every child’s face. This we found to be a very self-less and admirable gesture. We then realized we should make the best of the situation and try and let the children have as much fun as possible. Some were very happy while others were very reserved and we could tell that their young lives had already been dramatically altered by their surroundings.
It is really hard to describe all we went through today, but we hope this is a good insight on what we did today. Although, today was emotionally and physically draining, we are looking forward to going back. Upon returning to the hotel, we immediately bought cookies, candy, bandages, antiseptic, soap, and shampoo to bring to the children tomorrow. Over the next few days, we are hoping to make as much of a difference as we can and truly give these kids a haven to call home.
Pictured below Ross and Rob
Pictured below Professor Eddie Summers with some of the kids
Pictured below Rob Stone with one of the children
Pictured below Ross with some of the children
The Challenge!

Pictured below Professor Eddie Summers after taking off his shirt and attempting to clean the children

Pictured below Mike Napolitano with one of the children

Pictured below are Ross, Mike, Rob, & Chelsea inside of a garage

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Cape Malay Quarters, District 6, and the Politics of Policy
This morning we started our day with a tour of the Cape Malay District. This area contained the Indian population during the Apartheid era. We saw one of the oldest houses in
After we walked through the Cape Malay Quarters and drove through the downtown area of
As we left the museum and continued our tour, we witnessed a peaceful demonstration conducted by refugees from
At the
Last, we toured the beautiful campus of the
The next two pictures are of the University of Cape Town
The next three photos are pictures taken from the District 6 Museum
Photo of the peaceful protest on the Magistrate
Picture of Parliament
Monday, May 26, 2008
Kids, Premiers, and AIDS
Today we interacted with the children from Saint Anthony’s school in Langa. We visited three preschool classrooms where we helped the students do their basic activities to stimulate their minds such as using puzzles, clay, Legos, and drawing. We then walked down the street to a grade school consisting of children ranging from ages eight to thirteen. We observed the classrooms and noticed how disciplined the children were. They had lunch and we got to interact with them. They were playing soccer, running around, eating, and at the end of their lunch break they performed a few acappella songs for us. It was mind blowing how they were able to self conduct such a beautiful and powerful sound.
Afterwards, we did both a walking and bus tour through the
By this time we were all starving and had the wonderful opportunity of going to eat lunch at Peter Marais’ house. He was the former Mayor of the City of
Following his intense lecture we briefly drove through the campus of the University of the
This first grouping of pictures are of the Marist students and the various schools they visited
A woman in the township of Langa---selling products and trying to make a living
Another talented woman selling her goods and providing some entertainment
Picture commissioned by Mr. Marais for the AIDS/HIV Hospice
Picture of the entrance of the AIDS/HIV Hospice
Picture of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Marais & the group