Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Marist students and Professor Eddie Summers depart for South Africa today!

On Wednesday, May 26 a group of 12 Marist students and Professor Eddie Summers will travel to South Africa for three weeks. The students will engage in a series of lectures, small group discussions, visits to historic sites, meetings with governmental officials, and they will conduct field research for their term papers and participate in three community service projects in the Township of Ravesmead. This year is an exciting time for South Africa given that the Soccer World Cup will occur while the Marist students will be studying there. This offers the students the opportunity to see hands on the effects of tourism and measure the impact of the World Cup on South Africa's economy, built environment, and the social impact on the public. Students will be able to post pictures and recap their experiences throughout the trip. Please stay tuned as we will begin writing about our journey tomorrow.

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